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検索結果: 114 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Effect of recombination between a molecular ion and an electron on radial dose in the irradiation of a heavy ion

森林 健悟

Applied Physics Research, 8(1), p.138 - 148, 2016/01

This paper discusses the effect of recombination between a molecular ion and a free electron on radial dose in the irradiation of a heavy ion through simulations. The exposure of a heavy ion produces molecular ions and free electrons due to the heavy ion impact ionization. The composition electric field, which is formed from these molecular ions, traps some of free electrons and these trapped free electrons increase radial dose near the heavy ion path. These trapped electrons also cause the recombination and that the recombination enhances radial dose.


Simulation study of radial dose due to the irradiation of a swift heavy ion aiming to advance the treatment planning system for heavy particle cancer therapy; The Effect of emission angles of secondary electrons

森林 健悟

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 365(Part B), p.592 - 595, 2015/12

Aiming to advance the treatment planning system for heavy particle cancer therapy and to study cluster DNA damage, we have been developing a simulation model for radial dose due to the irradiation of a heavy ion. Now, two types of radial dose distributions have been available in the treatment planning system for heavy particle cancer therapy. However, these distributions had been developed without the detailed examinations of physical phenomena that occur near the trajectory of an incident ion, though this region is important to estimate the cell survival. The progress of computers allows us to execute such detailed examinations through simulations and to obtain radial dose closer to reality. We compare radial dose distribution obtained from our simulations with the conventional distributions and we suggest which conventional ones should be selected according to incident ion energies. Our simulation model, which has become possible in this century, is the only way to examine physical phenomena that occurs near the trajectory of an incident ion now as far as we know.


Development of the radial dose distribution function relevant to the treatment planning system for heavy particle cancer therapy

森林 健悟

Physica Scripta, 90(5), p.054013_1 - 054013_5, 2015/05

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:38.97(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Radial dose has been employed in the treatment planning system for heavy particle cancer therapy in order to estimate the cell survival after the exposure to a heavy particle. The two models for radial dose distributions have been available. However, both of these models have very roughly treated the region near the trajectory of an incident heavy particle, although this region is very important to estimate RBE. The rapid progress of computers allow us to simulate the physical phenomena in detail and to obtain radial dose distributions closer to reality near the trajectory of an incident ion. We may succeed to the point that our model sufficiently reproduces the trend allowing us to select the better one between the two conventional models according to ion energies automatically. In future, we expect that further rapid progress of computers lead us to analyze them in more detail.


Intensity of diffracted X-rays from biomolecules with radiation damage caused by strong X-ray pulses

甲斐 健師; 徳久 淳師*; 森林 健悟; 福田 祐仁; 河野 秀俊; 郷 信広*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 83(9), p.094301_1 - 094301_5, 2014/09

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:11.27(Physics, Multidisciplinary)




森林 健悟

しょうとつ, 11(3), p.73 - 91, 2014/05



Relaxation of plasmas created from irradiation of a heavy ion

森林 健悟

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 1, p.013089_1 - 013089_4, 2014/03

This paper shows how plasmas are produced due to ion irradiation and discusses relaxation of these plasmas through simulation studies. The effect of these plasmas on the track structures is also discussed. In some theoretical studies, these plasmas were predicted and this effect was shown more than 35 years ago. However, no simulation studies report this effect before our studies. It is found that these plasmas play a role of bringing high local doses near the track of an incident ion. Such high local doses are expected to contribute significantly to the production of clustered DNA damage.


Radial dose calculation due to the irradiation of a heavy ion; Role of composite electric field formed from the polarization of molecules and molecular ions

森林 健悟

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 96, p.211 - 216, 2014/03

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:70.22(Chemistry, Physical)

This paper discusses the role of composite electric field on radial doses through simulations due to the irradiation of a heavy ion. This composition electric field is formed from molecular ions, the polarization of molecules, and free electrons. Free electrons as well as these molecular ions are produced from the impact ionization of an incident ion or the other free electrons. This simulation model employs an isolated atom model that additionally may be able to treat the advantage of the free electron gas model. Some free electrons are trapped near the track of this incident ion and form plasma. The results obtained here show that this plasma plays a role of bringing about higher radial doses with increasing impact ionization cross sections of incident ions.


Demonstrations for the effect of composite electric fields of molecular ions on the motion of secondary electrons due to ion irradiation

森林 健悟

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 314, p.30 - 33, 2013/11

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:31.99(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Cancer therapy using carbon ions has a powerful therapeutic effect. This is based on the fact that relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of carbon ions is higher than that of protons and X-rays. A hypothesis has been proposed that clustered DNA damage is highly relevant to RBE values. However, it remains largely unknown how clustered DNA damage is generated after irradiation. We proposed and quantified that the electric field traps the emitted electrons near a radiation track, which, in turn, may lead to a clustering of DNA lesions. We have found that plasma with low electronic temperature and high density appears near the track of the incident ion in the irradiation of a carbon ion. The electrons in this plasma may more often interact with DNA which is located near the track and may produced the larger number of clustered DNA damages than the case where electric field is not considered and plasma is not formed.


Movement of secondary electrons due to the irradiation of heavy ions; Role of the composite electric field formed from the polarization of molecules and molecular ions

森林 健悟

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 85, p.36 - 41, 2013/04

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:65.33(Chemistry, Physical)

This paper presents the development of a new simulation model for the movement of secondary electrons due to the irradiation of an ion into water which is the largest component in a cell. This movement is important for the study of track structures of ionizing radiation. Using this model, the effect of the electric field on this movement is discussed. The polarization of water molecules is added to molecular ions to form the electric field. Protons with the energies of 200 keV/u - 1 MeV/u and C$$^{6+}$$ ions with 3 MeV/u - 100 MeV/u are treated as incident ions. The results in this paper suggest that impact ionization cross sections of incident ions play an important role in the track structures.


重粒子線によるDNA損傷; 重粒子線照射で生成するプラズマ振動の寄与を探る

森林 健悟

第6回光・プラズマプロセスのバイオ応用ワークショップ論文集, p.13 - 16, 2013/03



談話室「異分野間の壁; 用語の定義の相違」

森林 健悟

しょうとつ, 10(2), p.43 - 45, 2013/03



Incorporation of the effect of the composite electric fields of molecular ions as a simulation tool for biological damage due to heavy ion irradiation, 2

森林 健悟

AIP Conference Proceedings 1465, p.241 - 245, 2012/07

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:79.22(Physics, Applied)

Swift heavy ions are a good research tool in the fields of biological physics, surface science, and medical science. For example, in biological physics, although there are several hypotheses, the important phenomenon of relative biological effectiveness (RBE) is not yet fully understood and one might ask why do heavier ions produce more cluster DNA damage and lead to high RBE values. The understanding of RBE is directly connected to the understanding of the reason why cancer therapy using C$$^{6+}$$ ions has higher efficiency than that using protons. In this paper, we propose and quantify a novel explanation for RBE that hinges on the effect of the composite electric fields of molecular ions (mainly H$$_2$$O$$^+$$) in a cell that are produced by heavy ion impact ionization processes by comparing the irradiation of a C$$^{6+}$$ ion with that of a proton onto the cell.



森林 健悟

しょうとつ, 9(4), p.8 - 13, 2012/07



The Interaction of high brightness X-rays with clusters or bio-molecules

森林 健悟

X-ray Spectroscopy (Internet), p.163 - 184, 2012/02

The analysis of three-dimensional structures of single bio-molecules has lately attracted considerable attention as an application of an X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) light. As the X-ray flux becomes larger, the better diffraction pattern is produced, however, the bio-molecules become more damaged. The damage, which appears as noise for this analysis, depend on the experimental parameters. We have shown the calculation results of the damage using various parameters such as wavelengths, pulses, X-ray fluxes. Since XFEL lights are focused to a spot size which is comparable with that of a bio-molecule in order to get high X-ray fluxes, it is not easy to irradiate the bio-molecule with the same X-ray flux for each shot. We also show our proposal for the measurement methods of the X-ray fluxes using the X-ray emission from hollow atoms and photo-electron spectra.


Monte Carlo code for the damage of bio-molecules irradiated by X-ray free electron lasers; Incorporation of election impact ionization processes

森林 健悟

Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.893 - 897, 2011/10

This paper develops a Monte Carlo (MC) code for the calculation of the damage and the movement of free and quasi-free electrons, which are produced from the irradiation of X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) light pulses. Ionization processes such as X-ray absorption, Compton scattering, and Auger are treated by MC. On the other hand, the movements of free and quasi- free electrons are controlled by the Newton equations. Electron impact ionization processes occur when quasi-free electrons pass through the cross sections, which is assigned to atoms and ions. In order to confirm the accuracy of the calculations using our MC code, we compare the frequency of photo-electron impact ionization processes calculated by our MC code with that by the rate equations for spherical targets. Then, we have found agreement of 80 % to 90 % for the values of the frequency.


Incorporation of the effect of the composite electric fields of molecular ions as a simulation tool for biological damage due to heavy-ion irradiation

森林 健悟

Physical Review A, 84(1), p.012702_1 - 012702_7, 2011/07


 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:64.07(Optics)

We theoretically study the DNA damage due to the effect of the composite electric field of H$$_2$$O$$^+$$ ions produced from the irradiation of a C$$^{6+}$$ ion with the energies of a few MeV/u and a proton with the energy of a few 100 keV/u to 1 MeV/u. We develop a new model for heavy particle irradiation in order to treat this composite electric field. We have found that the number of electrons trapped in the composite electric field depends on the cross sections of heavy particle impact ionization. We have also found that a larger number of electrons is produced due to the existence of the composite electric fields in the case of the irradiation of a C$$^{6+}$$ ion with the energies of a few MeV/u. This may promote the DNA damage, in particular, cluster DNA damage. The models given in this paper are also important in atomic and molecular elementary processes in electric fields and in the production of plasmas due to heavy particle irradiation.


Photoelectron spectra produced from the irradiation of X-ray free-electron laser light pulses onto non-spherically symmetric targets

森林 健悟

Physica Scripta, T144, p.014049_1 - 014049_3, 2011/06

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:19.72(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Spherically symmetric models for X-ray damage and the movement of electrons produced in non-spherically symmetric targets such as bio-molecules

森林 健悟

Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 43(16), p.165602_1 - 165602_7, 2010/08

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:60.75(Optics)

We have developed a spherical symmetry model and an accurate model applied to the calculation of the damage of bio-molecules irradiated by X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) for targets with shapes of a sphere and various ellipsoids. We discuss photo-electron impact ionization processes, energy losses of photoelectrons and the space distribution of free and quasi-free electrons. The electron distribution calculated by our spherical symmetry model agrees well with that calculated by our accurate model except for the place near the center in the spherical targets. The same tendency is shown at the ellipsoid targets with $$r$$ = 2 and 3 where $$r$$ is the ratio of the lengths of major axis with that of a minor one in the ellipsoid. Our spherical symmetry model can be applied to the target of one bio-molecule, that is, a lysozium.



森林 健悟

JAEA-Conf 2010-002, p.120 - 123, 2010/06



Simulation and experiments of the laser induced breakdown of air for femtosecond to nanosecond order pulses

Koga, J. K.; 森林 健悟; 福田 祐仁; Bulanov, S. V.; 匂坂 明人; 小倉 浩一; 大道 博行; 山極 満; 木村 豊秋*; 藤川 武敏*; et al.

Journal of Physics D; Applied Physics, 43(2), p.025204_1 - 025204_15, 2010/01

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:57.37(Physics, Applied)

Three dimensional simulations and experimental results for the laser induced breakdown of air are presented. The simulations include the laser propagation, multi-photon and impact ionization, and heating of the electrons using accurate atomic and molecular data. For laser pulses of duration from 100 femto-seconds to 1 nano-second mechanisms for the breakdown of air based on the pulse duration and intensity ranging from optical field ionization to electron impact ionization are found. The laser energies at which the breakdown occurs are found to be in good agreement with experimental results.

114 件中 1件目~20件目を表示