RELAP5 analyses of ROSA/LSTF experiments on AM measures during PWR vessel bottom small-break LOCAs with gas inflow
竹田 武司
Takeda, Takeshi
RELAP5 code analyses were performed on ROSA/LSTF experiments that simulated PWR 0.2% vessel bottom small-break LOCAs with different AM measures under an assumption of non-condensable gas inflow. Depressurization of and auxiliary feedwater (AFW) injection into both steam generators (SGs) as the AM measures were taken 10 min after a safety injection signal. The primary depressurization rate of 55 K/h caused rather slow primary depressurization being obstructed by the gas accumulation in the SG U-tubes. Core temperature excursion thus took place by core boil-off before the actuation of low-pressure injection (LPI) system. The fast primary depressurization by fully opening the relief valves in both SGs with continuous AFW injection led to long-term core cooling by the LPI actuation even under the gas accumulation in the SG U-tubes. The code indicated remaining problems in the predictions of break flow rate during two-phase flow discharge period and primary pressure after the gas inflow.
- 登録番号 : AA20140213
- 抄録集掲載番号 : 42001070
- 論文投稿番号 : 14714
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