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A Computational approach using reflection boundaries for dose calculation in infinitely expanded radiation field


古田 琢哉   ; 高橋 史明  

Furuta, Takuya; Takahashi, Fumiaki


A new approach was proposed to compute radiation dose to objects of interest in infinitely expanded radiation fields with Monte Carlo transport codes. The particles, which were emitted from the location far from the interested object, could be effectively taken into account by setting reflection boundaries at the borders of the computational area in the newly developed method. Here, the positions and momenta of the particles at each reflection were recorded and used as the sources to simulate particles from the exterior region of the computational area. The validity of new method was checked by radiation transport calculations of objects on the infinitely expanded contaminated ground surface. The results in our new approach agreed within statistical errors of the simulation with those in the conventional approach considering a very large computational area. In addition, an efficiency in computational time was compared between the new and conventional approaches.



- Accesses




分野:Environmental Sciences



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