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Properties of the vertical deformation of the J-PARC linac tunnel


森下 卓俊  

Morishita, Takatoshi


The displacement of the accelerator components induces the beam losses so that the alignment is important for the stable beam operation. The stability of the floor height became worth after the Tohoku earthquake in March 11th, 2011. The floor height is affected by the environmental conditions such as weather, earthquake, and so on. The degrees of these movements are identified by the monitoring system. By the usual earthquake, the deformation seems random and negligibly small. The heavy rain tilts the floor, however, which recovered gradually. The significant vertical deformation was observed by the long-term monitoring for more than months. Degree of this deformation is comparable to the surveyed results. Then, the slow movement dominates the vertical deformation of the J-PARC linac tunnel floor.



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