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超深地層研究所計画における地下水の地球化学に関する調査研究; 瑞浪層群・土岐花崗岩の地下水の地球化学特性データ集(2013年度)

Hydrochemical investigation at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory; Compilation of groundwater chemistry data in the Mizunami group and the Toki granite (fiscal year 2013)

大森 一秋; 長谷川 隆; 宗本 隆志; 増田 薫*; 青才 大介*; 乾 道春*; 岩月 輝希  

Omori, Kazuaki; Hasegawa, Takashi; Munemoto, Takashi; Masuda, Kaoru*; Aosai, Daisuke*; Inui, Michiharu*; Iwatsuki, Teruki


Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been investigating the groundwater chemistry on excavating the underground facilities as part of the Mizunami Underground research Laboratory (MIU) Project at Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. In this report, we compiled data obtained by geochemical research for groundwater at the MIU in the fiscal year 2013.



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