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Report No.

Development of the beamline flux monitor for the laser Compton-scattered photon source

Nagai, Ryoji; Hajima, Ryoichi; Mori, Michiaki; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Akagi, Tomoya*; Kosuge, Atsushi*  ; Honda, Yosuke*; Urakawa, Junji*

In order to demonstrate accelerator and laser technologies required for a laser Compton scattering (LCS) photon generation, a LCS photon source is under construction at the Compact ERL (cERL). We considered the flux monitors for the adjustment LCS photon source. A thin scintillator detector and a silicon drift detector are employed as flux monitors and are installed at the upstream part of the LCS beamline. The background signal level due to the bremsstrahlung of the electron beam was measured by a CsI(pure) scintillator. In the result of the measurement, the background signal is acceptable level for the flux monitors.



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