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Report No.

Thermodynamic evaluation on chemical reaction between degraded nuclear fuel and B$$_{4}$$C control rod in severe accident of LWR

Shirasu, Noriko  ; Kurata, Masaki ; Ogawa, Toru*

In the accident of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, degraded fuels containing Zircaloy probably reacted with B$$_{4}$$C control blades containing stainless steel cladding or blade sheath. Since light elements like B and C are able to react easily with various elements and form various chemical species, several concerns are pointed out, such as variation in volatility and heat generation by oxidation of B and C. The chemical states of degraded fuel were evaluated on the assumption of thermodynamic equilibrium under various conditions of oxygen potential and temperature. The chemical behavior of B affects significantly the variation in oxygen potential with progressing severe accident, and many kinds of volatile compounds are formed by oxidation. The behavior of B causes the changes of volatility of FPs, such as Sr, Cs and Mo.



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