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Space radiation dosimetry to evaluate the effect of polyethylene shielding in the Russian segment of the International Space Station


永松 愛子*; Casolino, M.*; Larsson, O.*; 伊藤 毅*; 安田 仲宏*; 北城 圭一*; 島田 健*; 武田 和雄*; 津田 修一  ; 佐藤 達彦   

Nagamatsu, Aiko*; Casolino, M.*; Larsson, O.*; Ito, Tsuyoshi*; Yasuda, Nakahiro*; Kitajo, Keiichi*; Shimada, Ken*; Takeda, Kazuo*; Tsuda, Shuichi; Sato, Tatsuhiko


JAXA has been investigated the effect of the shielding material for dosimeters in the ISS Russian segment under the ALTCRISS project. The PADLES package is a passive dosimeters which usually consists of two types of passive and integrating dosimeters, a CR-39 plastic nuclear track detector and a thermoluminescence dosimeter. In the ALTCRISS experiments, both tissue-equivalent material CR-39 PNTDs and NAN-JAERI were enclosed in the PADLES packages as radiators for CR-39 to precisely measure a personal exposed doses. We compared the doses obtained by PADLESs with or without the PEs, and with or difference of the two tissue-equivalent materials. The results of space radiation measurements of the ALTCRISS project Phase 1 to 4 using the PADLES system will be reported in this time: Phase 1 experiments was from December 2005 to April 2006, Phase 2 was from April to September 2006, phase 3 was from Sep 2006 to April 2007, and Phase 4 was conducted from May to October 2007.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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