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Gigacycle fatigue behaviour of austenitic stainless steels used for mercury target vessels


直江 崇   ; Xiong, Z.; 二川 正敏  

Naoe, Takashi; Xiong, Z.; Futakawa, Masatoshi

パルス核破砕中性子源の水銀ターゲット容器は陽子及び中性子による照射損傷に加えて、陽子線励起圧力波により繰返し衝撃荷重を受ける。J-PARCの水銀ターゲット容器では、ひずみ速度約50s$$^{-1}$$で2億回を超える衝撃荷重を受ける。本研究では、高ひずみ速度下における超高サイクル領域の疲労強度について調べるために、容器構造材であるSUS316L(SA材)及び照射効果を模擬したSUS316Lの冷間圧延材(CW材)に対して、10$$^9$$回までの疲労試験を超音波疲労試験法により実施した。その結果、SA, CW材共に高ひずみ速度では通常の疲労疲労試験と比較して疲労強度が高くなることが分かった。また、10$$^7$$回以上の超高サイクル領域では、通常の疲労限度以下の荷重で疲労破壊が生じることを明らかにした。

Mercury enclosure vessel of the JSNS made of an austenitic stainless steel suffers radiation damage in the proton and neutron environment. In addition to the radiation damage, the vessel suffers the cyclic impact loading caused from the pressure waves. The JSNS target vessel suffers higher than 2$$times$$10$$^8$$ cyclic loading. Furthermore, strain rate of the beam window portion of the target vessel reaches to 50s$$^{-1}$$ at the maximum, which is much higher than the conventional fatigues. Very high cycle fatigue strengths up to 10$$^9$$ cycles for solution annealed (SA) and 10% cold-worked 316L (CW) were investigated through the ultrasonic fatigue test. The result showed that the fatigue strengths of SA and CW tested in high-strain rate were higher than that of the conventional fatigue. On the other hand, the fatigue failure occurred regardless of material and temperature in the very high-cycle region ($$10^7 sim 10^9$$ cycles) at the stress amplitude of below the conventional fatigue limit.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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