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Modeling of JT-60SA operational scenarios


Garzotti, L.*; Barbato, E.*; Garcia, J.*; Romanelli, M.*; Stankiewicz, R.*; 林 伸彦; 吉田 麻衣子

Garzotti, L.*; Barbato, E.*; Garcia, J.*; Romanelli, M.*; Stankiewicz, R.*; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Yoshida, Maiko

JT-60SA scenarios have been simulated with different codes and transport models. Aim of the simulations was to assess stationary conditions estimated with 0-dimensional codes and provide a profile database for further physics studies. Three scenarios considered are standard H-mode, hybrid, advanced steady-state. Codes deployed are ASTRA, CRONOS, JINTRAC. Core transport models used are TGLF (CRONOS), CDBM (CRONOS), GLF23 (ASTRA, CRONOS), Bohm/gyro-Bohm (ASTRA, JINTRAC). Edge transport barrier models are continuous ELMs (JINTRAC), Cordey scaling + EPED1 (CRONOS). Boundary conditions are imposed at separatrix (CRONOS JINTRAC) or top of the pedestal (ASTRA). Fully predictive simulations of current density, ion density (CRONOS and JINTRAC, density not evolved in ASTRA), ion and electron temperature. No rotation. Equilibrium solver SPIDER or three moments (ASTRA), HELENA (CRONOS) and ESCO (JINTRAC). Results are close to those obtained with zero-dimensional codes. Detail of the profiles differ from code to code. Electron and ion temperatures assumed in zero-dimensional calculations seem to be optimistic for most scenarios. For all scenarios normalized pedestal pressure seems to be below MHD stability limit. Further analysis of pedestal stability is required. Analysis of time dependent scenarios (density and current ramp up and down) is planned.



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