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 年 ~ 

IROHA upgrade


中谷 健 ; 稲村 泰弘  ; 伊藤 崇芳*; 大友 季哉*

Nakatani, Takeshi; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Ito, Takayoshi*; Otomo, Toshiya*


Last year we have planned to upgrade our control software framework which is called "IROHA". We have discussed and designed the improvement points of the conventional IROHA. The points of upgrade are (1) the separation of device control and instrument management, (2) the interface of the MLF Experimental Database for measurement information, (3) platform-independent user interface. Specifically, (1) We redefined that the roles of the device control software are an operation, monitoring and logging of devices and those of the instrument management software are logging of measurements, authorization and certification of users. (2) IROHA automatically produces "Run Information" which indicates the measurement condition and the information is catalogued in the MLF Experimental Database. (3) The user interface of the instrument control including an automatic measurement is based on Web. In this presentation, we will show the detail of the implementation of the new IROHA.



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