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Report No.

Oxygen thermochemistry of urania-rare earth system; UO$$_2$$-CeO$$_2$$

Hirooka, Shun ; Murakami, Tatsutoshi ; Nelson, A. T.*; McClellan, K. J.*

Collaborative study has been done on the properties of nuclear materials between the DOE and Japan and the oxygen potential of (U,Ce)O$$_2$$ was measured in this year. Experimental measurements of the oxygen potential were conducted on Ce=20% and 30% composition rates simulating Pu content in advanced MOX fuel in JAEA by gas equilibrium method where oxygen partial pressure in the atmosphere was controlled with mixing dry/wet Ar/H$$_2$$ gas. More than 100 data points were obtained in the O/M range of 1.945 $$sim$$ 2.000 at 1200$$^{circ}$$C, 1400$$^{circ}$$C and 1600$$^{circ}$$C. The experimental results were analyzed by the defect analysis and analytical equations were obtained to calculate O/M as functions of temperature and oxygen potential. From the comparison with that of (U,Pu)O$$_2$$, applicability of the same defect chemistry and S-style curve are common. Also, it is revealed that (U,Ce)O$$_2$$ requires evidently higher oxygen potential for the O/M.



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