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Report No.

Observation of transient structural changes on hydrogen absorption process of LaNi$$_{4.75}$$Sn$$_{0.25}$$ by time resolved X-ray diffraction

Machida, Akihiko; Higuchi, Kensuke*; Katayama, Yoshinori; Sakaki, Koji*; Kim, H.*; Nakamura, Yumiko*

Structural changes on hydrogen absorption process of hydrogen absorbing alloy LaNi$$_{4.75}$$Sn$$_{0.25}$$ have been investigated by time-resolved X-ray diffraction measurements using synchrotron radiation source. We have found the transient intermediate phase between the solid solution and hydride phases of LaNi$$_{4.75}$$Sn$$_{0.25}$$ under non-equilibrium hydrogen pressure condition at room temperature. LaNi$$_{4.75}$$Sn$$_{0.25}$$ has transformed into the hydride through three phase co-existing state. The hydrogen content of the intermediate phase estimated from the unit cell volume is independent of the induced hydrogen gas pressure. The variation of lattice constants indicate that the hydrogen atoms are located at the La$$_{2}$$Ni$$_{2}$$(Ni,Sn)$$_{2}$$ octahedron and La$$_{2}$$(Ni,Sn)$$_{2}$$ tetrahedron in the intermediate phase.



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Category:Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering



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