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Momentum conservation law in symplectic integrators for partial differential equations


佐々 成正  

Sasa, Narimasa

材料研究開発支援のための高度基盤の研究開発に従い実施した量子凝縮系非線形ダイナミクスに 対する並列シミュレーション計算手法に関する研究成果である。大規模並列計算における計算手法として、エネルギー保存、運動量保存を満たす陰的なシンプレクティック数値積分を考案し、その保存性能を理論的に検証した。また、数値シミュレーション実行時に計算の信頼性の指標となる保存則を実際の計算においてモニターし、従来手法よりも高精度を保つことを例証した。

The momentum conservation law in symplectic integrators for partial differential equations is investigated. We show that the total momentum expressed by an integral form gives a conserved quantity even though a spatially discretized system is considered. By showing the equivalence between the integral form of the total momentum and a sum of areas of projections of a hypersurface in the phase space of the system, the conservation of the total momentum in symplectic integrators is generally proven. We also discuss an approximation formula for the total momentum for use in numerical simulations of a spatially discretized system. As a result, all symplectic integrators for discretized partial differential equations are shown to possess a property of substantial conservation of the energy and total momentum in Hamiltonian systems.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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