※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of measurement technique of the equilibrium vapor pressure of simulated fission products

高井 俊秀  ; 中島 邦久  ; 古川 智弘  

Takai, Toshihide; Nakajima, Kunihisa; Furukawa, Tomohiro


To improve the evaluation technique of source term, the measurement technique of the equilibrium vapor pressure using a high temperature mass spectrometer is required to expand the thermodynamic database of the simulated FPs. Existing test apparatus was adapted for this purpose. A mass spectrometer capable of measuring a wide mass number range and glove box for handling simulated FPs were installed for analyzing heavy FPs and preventing deterioration of simulated FPs in an air atmosphere, respectively. Function verification using standard sample and precision investigation using simulated FP sample were carried out. The oxygen dissociation pressure and standard enthalpy of formation of RuO$$_{2}$$(s) were evaluated, and it was confirmed these evaluated values were agreed with the calculated value from existing thermodynamic data and evaluation value written in the literature. Consequently, it was proven that high precision thermodynamic data was able to obtain by using this apparatus.



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