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Report No.

Spectroscopic tools applied to element Z = 115 decay chains

Forsberg, U.*; Rudolph, D.*; Golubev, P.*; Sarmiento, L. G.*; Yakushev, A.*; Andersson, L.-L.*; Di Nitto, A.*; D$"u$llmann, Ch. E.*; Gates, J. M.*; Gregorich, K. E.*; Gross, C. J.*; He${ss}$berger, F. P.*; Herzberg, R.-D.*; Khuyagbaatar, J.*; Kratz, J. V.*; Rykaczewski, K.*; Sch$"a$del, M.; ${AA}$berg, S.*; Ackermann, D.*; Block, M.*; Brand, H.*; Carlsson, B. G.*; Cox, D.*; Derkx, X.*; Eberhardt, K.*; Even, J.*; Fahlander, C.*; Gerl, J.*; J$"a$ger, E.*; Kindler, B.*; Krier, J.*; Kojouharov, I.*; Kurz, N.*; Lommel, B.*; Mistry, A.*; Mokry, C.*; Nitsche, H.*; Omtvedt, J. P.*; Papadakis, P.*; Ragnarsson, I.*; Runke, J.*; Schaffner, H.*; Schausten, B.*; Th$"o$rle-Pospiech, P.*; Torres, T.*; Traut, T.*; Trautmann, N.*; T$"u$rler, A.*; Ward, A.*; Ward, D. E.*; Wiehl, N.*

A focal-plane Si detector setup applied to the spectroscopy of the element 115 $$alpha$$-decay chains was reported. Results of the digital signal analysis for preamplifier signals and of the event-by-event $$alpha$$-energy loss correction analysis were presented. The detectors consist of five double-sided Si strip detectors (DSSSD) arranged as a box, and signals from one side of the detector at the bottom of the box were digitally processed. Energy losses of $$alpha$$ particles detected by two Si detectors at the bottom and a side differs event-by-event, because each $$alpha$$ particle passed through two dead layers with a certain tilted angle. By correcting for the energy loss of each $$alpha$$ event using the angle of the $$alpha$$-particle emission extracted from the detected positions, we succeeded in improving the $$alpha$$ energy resolution significantly.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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