※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project; Rock mechanical investigations at the -500m stage

桑原 和道; 佐藤 稔紀  ; 真田 祐幸; 高山 裕介  

Kuwabara, Kazumichi; Sato, Toshinori; Sanada, Hiroyuki; Takayama, Yusuke


This report presents the results of following rock mechanical investigations conducted at the -500m Stage. (1) Laboratory tests using cores and block samples obtained at the -500m Stage. (2) In-situ stress measurement using Compact Conical-ended Borehole Overcoring (CCBO) method at the -500m Stage. (3) In-situ stress measurements using Differential Strain Curve Analysis(DSCA) method at the -500m Stage. (4) Development of rock mechanical model.



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