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Report No.

Reduction and unusual recovery in the reversible hydrogen storage capacity of V$$_{1-x}$$Ti$$_x$$ during hydrogen cycling

Kim, H.*; Sakaki, Koji*; Saita, Itoko*; Enoki, Hirotoshi*; Noguchi, Kazuo*; Machida, Akihiko; Watanuki, Tetsu; Nakamura, Yumiko*

The effect of the vanadium content on the cyclic stability of V-Ti binary alloys was investigated. V$$_{1-x}$$Ti$$_x$$, $$x=$$ 0.2 and 0.5 samples were hydrogenated and dehydrogenated at 410 K and 553 K respectively, for more than 100 times. During hydrogen cycling, reduction in the reversible hydrogen storage capacity was clearly observed from both samples. In addition, the shape of the pressure-composition-isotherm curves was significantly altered over the testing cycle period; the absorption and desorption plateaus got markedly inclined and the hysteresis became evidently smaller. We found that even after the hydrogen storage capacity of V$$_{1-x}$$Ti$$_x$$ was significantly reduced, at low enough temperature V$$_{1-x}$$Ti$$_x$$ was able to absorb hydrogen as much as it did at the first cycle.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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