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Report No.

Management strategy for radioactive waste in the fusion DEMO reactor

Someya, Yoji; Tobita, Kenji; Uto, Hiroyasu; Asakura, Nobuyuki; Sakamoto, Yoshiteru; Hoshino, Kazuo; Nakamura, Makoto; Tokunaga, Shinsuke

The radioactive waste is generated in every replacement of an in-vessel component. Maintenance scheme is to replace the blanket segment and divertor cassette independently, as the lifetime of them is different. The blanket segment consists of some blanket modules mounted to back-plate. Total weight is estimated to amount to about 6,648 ton (1,575 ton of blanket module, 3,777 ton of back-plate, 372 ton of conducting shell and 924 ton of divertor cassette). In base case, main parameters of DEMO reactor are 8.2 m of major radius and 1.35 GW of fusion output. The lifetimes of blanket segment and divertor cassette are assumed to be 2.2 years and 0.6 year, respectively, 52,487 ton wastes is generated in plant life of 20 years. Therefore, there is a concern that a contamination controlled area for the radioactive waste may increase because much the waste is generated in every replacement. In this paper, management scenario is proposed to reduce the radioactive waste. The back-plates and cassette bodies (628 ton) of divertor was reused. As a result, the displacement per atom (DPA) of the back-plates of SUS316L was 0.2 DPA/year and that of the cassette bodies of F82H was 0.6 DPA/year. Therefore, reusing the back-plates and cassette bodies would be possible, if re-welding points are arranged under neutron shielding. It was found that radioactive waste could be reduced to 20%, when tritium breeding materials are recycled. Finally, a design of DEMO building such as a hot cell and temporary storage etc. is proposed.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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