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Report No.

Analysis of release and transport of aerial radioactive materials in accident of evaporation to dryness caused by boiling of reprocessed high-level liquid waste

Yoshida, Kazuo ; Ishikawa, Jun ; Abe, Hitoshi 

An accident of evaporation to dryness by boiling of high level liquid waste (HLLW) is postulated as one of the severe accidents to occur caused by the loss of cooling function at a fuel reprocessing plant. In this case, some amount of fission products (FPs) will be transferred to the vapor phase in the tank, and could be released to the environment. Therefore, the quantitative estimation of transport and release behavior of FPs is one of the key issues in the assessment of the accident consequence. To resolve this issue, a systematic analysis method with computer codes has been developed based on the phenomenological behavior in boiling accident of HLLW. A simulation study demonstrated that the behaviors of liquid waste temperature and entrainment of mists were in good agreement with the experimental results during early boiling phase



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