※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Improvement of JMTR core management system


今泉 友見; 井手 広史  ; 山浦 高幸 

Imaizumi, Tomomi; Ide, Hiroshi; Yamaura, Takayuki


In the JMTR, neutronic calculations for core properties such as the shutdown margin, the maximum reactivity, the neutron flux and so on are implemented before each operation cycle. These calculations had been carried out using the SRAC on the JAEA's mainframe. However, the mainframe was abolished in 2012. Additionally, the SRAC used in the JMTR is not available on the computer with the UNIX operating system unlike the SRAC95 and the latest version of SRAC2006. PIJ, CITATION and COREBN are mainly used in neutronic calculations of JMTR. Therefore, these codes were improved to be available on PC-Linux. Furthermore, the new JMTR core management system was also improved by adding a graphical user interface (GUI). By using the new system, the cell and core calculation model can be confirmed visually. In addition, the GUI operation was able to simplify the input operation and the processing of the output result in comparison with the command operations of the past.



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