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Report No.

Concept for the single cycle process based on mutual separation by reverse extraction of actinides and fission products

Sasaki, Yuji  ; Tsubata, Yasuhiro   ; Shirasu, Noriko  ; Morita, Keisuke ; Suzuki, Tomoya

The concept for the new partitioning method of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) by single-cycle extraction process has been investigated. This process is based on extraction of actinides (An) and fission products (FP), and mutual separation by reverse extraction. Solo extractant and several stripping reagents will be utilized in this process. The extractant employed in this process is required to extract soft (platinum metals), hard acid metals(An), and oxonium anions (Mo, Tc) simultaneously. NTAamide is one of the candidate extractants. After extraction of An and FP by NTAamide(C8), the mutual separation among these metals by reverse extraction will be followed using the suitable water-miscible reagents. The extraction of An and FP, and the masking effect by some water-miscible reagents has been studied.



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