※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Adsorption properties of cesium ions to micaceous clay minerals


奥村 雅彦   ; 中村 博樹  ; 町田 昌彦  ; Kerisit, S.*

Okumura, Masahiko; Nakamura, Hiroki; Machida, Masahiko; Kerisit, S.*


The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP) accident led to the release of large amounts of radioactive nuclides. Particularly, Cs-137 caused a serious problem, i.e., the evacuation of many residents near FNPP. Then, detailed knowledge of the chemical state and dynamics of cesium ions adsorbed to micaceous clay minerals is needed to develop improved waste soil treatments. In order to determine the interaction of cesium ions with micaceous clay minerals, we evaluated the energetics of serial adsorption of cesium ions. We found that adsorption of cesium ions increases the affinity of clay minerals for further cesium adsorption. This result provides an interpretation of the recent experimental results on ion exchange process in phlogopite. Additionally, we will present an evaluation of the free energy landscape for cesium adsorption on the basal surface of micaceous clay minerals. This provides information on the time scale of adsorption to and diffusion across the basal surface. This fundamental knowledge will help develop new techniques for the treatment of waste soil and reduce environmental load.



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