※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Measurements of fracture aperture in granite core using microfocus X-ray CT and fluid flow simulation


岸田 潔*; 石川 智優*; 肥後 陽介*; 澤田 淳 ; 安原 英明*

Kishida, Kiyoshi*; Ishikawa, Tomohiro*; Higo, Yosuke*; Sawada, Atsushi; Yasuhara, Hideaki*


In order to estimate the changes in fracture aperture under various long-term confining and thermal conditions, measurements of the fracture aperture are conducted using microfocus X-ray CT. Through the imaging data, the altitude of the fracture surface and the contact points are evaluated, and contact ratios for the fracture, the JRC and the aperture distribution are estimated. On the other hand, measurements are also conducted using a laser scan profile sensor, and some parameters are estimated. In comparing these parameters, the validity of the X-ray CT data and an analysis of the data will be discussed. In addition, a fracture flow simulation will be conducted using the altitude and aperture data obtained by the microfocus X-ray CT.



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