ICRU Committee proposal on operational quantities for external radiation exposure
Hertel, N. E.*; Bartlett, D. T.*; Dietze, G.*; Bordy, J.-M.*; Endo, Akira ; Gualdrini, G.*; Pelliccioni, M.*; Ambrosi, P.*; Siebert, B. R. L.*; Veinot, K.*; Ferrari, P.*; Otto, T.*; Behrens, R.*; Bottollier, J.-F.*
The International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) defines a set of operational quantities for use in radiation measurements that provides assessment of the protection quantities recommended by International Commission for Radiological Protection (ICRP). The ICRU operational quantities in current use was defined about 30 years ago. ICRU Report Committee 26 has examined the rationale for operational quantities taking into account the changes in the definitions of the protection quantities and the changes in the fields of application of the operational quantities and protection quantities. The considerations have included the range of types and energies of particles contributing to doses to workers and members of the public. The relationship of the existing recommended operational quantities to the protection quantities has been investigated, as has the impact of changes in routine measurement practice, including instrument design and calibration. The committee has proposed a set of operational quantities which differs from the previous quantities. The major change in the proposed set of quantities is the redefinition of the operational quantities for area monitoring from doses computed at a depth in the ICRU sphere to ones based on particle fluence and the relationship to the protection quantities, effective dose, and equivalent dose to the lens of the eye, and local skin.