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 年 ~ 


Neutral particle density and plasma density in tokamak

竹永 秀信

Takenaga, Hidenobu


Particle control is important for control of burning plasma, because the plasma density is one of a few controllable parameters in the burning plasma which has a self-sustained system. Heat and particle balance was studied using Slim CS parameters, where tritium is fueled in the main plasma, and deuterium is fueled in both the main plasma and the edge plasma. When the confinement times for the particles fueled in the main and edge plasmas are assumed to be 2 s and 2 ms, respectively, and the divertor pumping fraction is assumed to be 3%, the total deuterium fueling rate is one order of magnitude larger than the tritium fueling rate. Although impurity is accumulated with a peaked density profile, accumulation level is acceptable for Ar. Effect of pellet injection and gas-jet on plasma confinement is discussed and it is suggested that burning plasma control taking account of plasma confinement and a pressure profile is necessary based on the burn simulation experiments.



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