※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of numerical simulation for jet breakup behavior in complicated structure of BWR lower plenum, 6; Influence of the simulant molten fuel properties on jet breakup phenomenon in multi-channels

BWR下部プレナム複雑構造物内ジェットブレイクアップ現象予測手法の開発,6; 複数チャンネル内ジェットブレイクアップ挙動への模擬溶融燃料物性値の影響

鈴木 貴行; 吉田 啓之  ; 阿部 豊*; 金子 暁子*

Suzuki, Takayuki; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Abe, Yutaka*; Kaneko, Akiko*


In order to improve the safety of Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), it is required to know the behavior of the plant when an accident occurred. Especially, it is important to estimate the behavior of molten core jet in the lower part of the reactor pressure vessel at a severe accident. In the BWR lower plenum, the flow characteristics of molten core jet are affected by many complicated structures, such as control rod guide tubes, instrument guide tubes and core support plate. The objective of this study is to develop the simulation method for the flow characteristic of molten core jet including the effects of the complicated structures in the lower plenum based on interface tracking method code TPFIT (Two Phase Flow simulation code with Interface Tracking). To verify and validate the applicability of the developed method in detail, it is necessary to obtain the experimental data that can be compared with detailed numerical results by the TPFIT. Therefore, experimental works by use of multi-phase flow visualization technique were also carried out. In the experiments, time series of interface shapes are observed by high speed camera and velocity profiles in/out of the jet were measured by the PIV method. In this paper, we carried out a numerical simulation of the jet breakup phenomena in the multi-channels with various simulant molten materials to evaluate the influence of properties on the jet breakup phenomena. As a result, it was confirmed that density and surface tension affected on the falling down velocity of the simulant materials and the interface behavior of the molten jet. However, viscosities of the simulant materials have small effects on jet breakup phenomena, including the interface shape and size of fragments.



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