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Report No.

Extraction behavior of fission products with tri-${it n}$-butyl phosphate by countercurrent multistage extraction in a uranium, plutonium, and neptunium co-recovery system

Nakahara, Masaumi; Nakajima, Yasuo  ; Koizumi, Tsutomu

To study the extraction behavior of fission products, the countercurrent multistage experiments were carried out with centrifugal contactors in the U, Pu, and Np co-recovery system. Neptunium was co-recovered with U and Pu using tri-${it n}$-butyl phosphate. The experimental results show that Zr was removed with a low HNO$$_{3}$$ concentration scrubbing solution and Tc was decontaminated using a high HNO$$_{3}$$ concentration solution. Other fission products were effectively decontaminated in the system.



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Category:Engineering, Chemical



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