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Evaluation of $$gamma$$-ray induced nuclear data

岩本 信之  

Iwamoto, Nobuyuki


Photonuclear data are required in the field for, e.g., shielding design of high-energy electron linear accelerator, high-energy $$gamma$$-ray therapy, and non-destructive assay. This work aims at developing photonuclear reaction data file with a wide range of nuclides for more extensive use. In order to perform evaluation in the $$gamma$$-ray energy up to 140 MeV, nuclear reaction model calculation code CCONE was used. The modified Lorentzian model was applied to describe giant dipole resonance. The resonance parameters were fixed by reproducing photoabsorption data. The quasi-deuteron model was also taken into account in this present code. The nuclear level density was adopted from Gilbert-Cameron formalism with Mengoni-Nakajima Fermi-gas model. The evaluated results were compared with the measured data, JENDL/PD-2004 and KAERI data and showed good agreements with the measured data. These evaluated data are planned to be included into the next photonuclear data file.



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