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Report No.

JAEA-JRC collaboration on the development of active neutron NDA techniques

Kureta, Masatoshi   ; Koizumi, Mitsuo ; Ozu, Akira  ; Furutaka, Kazuyoshi  ; Tsuchiya, Takahiro*; Seya, Michio; Harada, Hideo   ; Abousahl, S.*; Heyse, J.*; Kopecky, S.*; Mondelaers, W.*; Pedersen, B.*; Schillebeeckx, P.*

The JAEA has just started the new program "Development of active neutron NDA techniques" collaborating with EC-JRC. The final purpose of this program is to establish the measurement techniques for the high radioactive special nuclear material such as MA-Pu fuel for transmutation of minor actinide and for nuclear security applications. In this program, JAEA will conduct the R&D on active neutron non-destructive measurement techniques, DDA, NRTA, PGA/NRCA and DGS.



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