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Inelastic neutron scattering at J-PARC for condensed matter physics


梶本 亮一  

Kajimoto, Ryoichi

MLF in J-PARC is one of the largest pulsed neutron and muon facilities. Inelastic scattering instruments make up a sizable portion in the neutron instruments: three direct-geometry chopper spectrometers and one backscattering spectrometer are in operation, one group of spin-echo spectrometers is under commissioning, and one chopper spectrometer is under construction. In addition to the high neutron intensity provided by the 1 MW class neutron source, each instrument has unique and advanced features, such as high measurement efficiency by utilizing multiple incident energies or energy bands, neutron Brillouin scattering, and polarization analysis. Most of the inelastic scattering instruments have been used or have a potential for researches of condensed matter physics such as superconductivity, magnetism, and dielectric properties. In this presentation, the characteristics of each instrument as well as scientific outputs and expected research target will be reviewed.



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