※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Observation of dynamics and modification of solid surface using a picosecond soft X-ray laser


錦野 将元; 河内 哲哉; 長谷川 登; 石野 雅彦; 南 康夫*; 末元 徹*; 大西 直文*; 伊藤 篤史*; 佐藤 克俊*; Faenov, A.*; Inogamov, N.*; 山極 満

Nishikino, Masaharu; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Hasegawa, Noboru; Ishino, Masahiko; Minami, Yasuo*; Suemoto, Toru*; Onishi, Naofumi*; Ito, Atsushi*; Sato, Katsutoshi*; Faenov, A.*; Inogamov, N.*; Yamagiwa, Mitsuru

The high quality soft X-ray laser (SXRL) source enables us to achieve quite high spatial-resolution as a probe and quite intense X-ray as a pump. As an application using the SXRL, we have observed the spallative ablation process by the interaction with SXRL or femto-second (fs) laser. In the presentation, we show several new application results using the SXRL. We discuss the scenario of the spallative ablation of the sample surface. The numerical simulation study is underway by using a molecular dynamics code. These results lead to understanding the full process of the interaction with the SXRL and/or fs laser.



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