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Development of performance assessment models for glass dissolution


後藤 考裕*; 三ツ井 誠一郎  ; 高瀬 博康*; 黒澤 進*; 稲垣 学*; 柴田 雅博 ; 石黒 勝彦*

Goto, Takahiro*; Mitsui, Seiichiro; Takase, Hiroyasu*; Kurosawa, Susumu*; Inagaki, Manabu*; Shibata, Masahiro; Ishiguro, Katsuhiko*


NUMO and JAEA have conducted a joint research since FY2011, which is designed to enhance the methodology of repository design and performance assessment in preliminary investigation stage for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. As a part of this joint research, we have been developing glass dissolution models which consider various processes in EBS, such as precipitation of Fe-silicates associated with iron overpack corrosion, and Si transport through corrosion products in the cracked overpack. The objectives of the modeling work are to evaluate relative importance of relevant processes and to identify further R&D issues towards development of a convincing safety case. Sensitivity analyses suggested that predicted glass dissolution time ranges from 1$$times$$10$$^3$$ to 1$$times$$10$$^7$$ years or more due to uncertainties in the current understanding of the key processes, namely precipitation of Fe-silicates and transport characteristics of the altered glass layer.



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