※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Closed shell structure of super- and extremely super-heavy nuclei


小浦 寛之   

Koura, Hiroyuki


The closed shell structure gives the stability of nuclei. The heaviest known doubly-magic nucleus is $$^{208}$$Pb, and the next doubly-nucleus is expected to exist in the superheavy mass region. By using the Woods-Saxon-like potential, a conventional doubly-magic superheavy nucleus is estimated to be $$^{298}$$Fl$$_{184}$$, and the heaviest possible one is predicted to be $$^{472}$$[164]$$_{308}$$. Even in such a region the nuclear shell closure could remain. We will discuss the appearance of shell closure in the extremely superheavy mass region in comparison with other models. Furthermore, we will discuss an existence of peninsula along the $$N$$=126 neutron-deficient mass region. Fission barrier heights in this region are estimated to be rather higher and the nuclei in the region are expected to have longer half-lives, and are experimentally accessible.



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