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Evaluation of neutron capture cross sections and covariances on $$^{99}$$Tc and $$^{129}$$I in the keV energy region


岩本 信之  

Iwamoto, Nobuyuki


Radioisotopes $$^{99}$$Tc and $$^{129}$$I have been recognized as important fission products. This results from having nuclear characteristics of very long half-lives and high fission yields. The neutron capture reaction is referred to as one of the important nuclear transformation reactions for radioactive waste disposal. The covariance of their capture cross sections is requisite to estimate the reduction effects and uncertainty of environmental load. In this work, capture cross section and covariance evaluations were made with nuclear reaction calculation code CCONE and covariance evaluation code KALMAN in the keV energy region. In order to derive the covariance, initial uncertainties were considered for over 50 parameters of, for example, optical model potential, $$gamma$$ strength function, and level density in nuclear reaction models, taking into account the spread of experimental data. The detailed results of this evaluation will be given in this presentation.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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