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Report No.

Development of inventory evaluation methods for the radioactive wastes of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 7; Comparison of inventory estimation methods for secondary wastes from contaminated water treatment system

Meguro, Yoshihiro  ; Kato, Jun ; Oi, Takao ; Koma, Yoshikazu  ; Ashida, Takashi ; Sugiyama, Daisuke*; Nakabayashi, Ryo*; Fujita, Tomonari*; Tsukamoto, Masaki*; Uchiyama, Hideaki*; Ojiro, Soken*

Inventory evaluation results obtained by analytical results of contaminated water was compared with that obtained on the basis of an analytically-calculated method for the secondary wastes generated from the water treatment system such as the cesium adsorption device, the second cesium adsorption device and the coagulating sedimentation device in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.



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