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 年 ~ 

「ふげん」廃止措置プロジェクトにおける解体シナリオの最適化検討; 熱交換器等の解体撤去手順の予備評価

A Study on optimization of dismantling scenarios in Fugen decommissioning project; Preliminary evaluation of dismantling scenario of the heat exchangers, etc.

香田 有哉 ; 手塚 将志  ; 柳原 敏*

Koda, Yuya; Tezuka, Masashi; Yanagihara, Satoshi*


The implementation of the decommissioning work is accompanied by long-term period and considerable expense, so it is important that we make the most optimized work scenario in consideration of safety or the work and effectiveness. For this reason, we are studying selection method of the optimal work scenarios as a management index of the manpower and dose etc., in dismantling work for Fugen. In this report, results of a study shows the method of selecting the best scenarios for the heat exchangers of the reactor coolant purification system by evaluating execution multiple work scenarios, as well as evaluating the manpower and dose, etc., moreover by setting the importance of each evaluation item.



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