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Unique magnetic structure of YbCo$$_2$$Si$$_2$$


Mufti, N.*; 金子 耕士   ; Hoser, A.*; Gutmann, M.*; Geibel, C.*; Krellner, C.*; Stockert, O.*

Mufti, N.*; Kaneko, Koji; Hoser, A.*; Gutmann, M.*; Geibel, C.*; Krellner, C.*; Stockert, O.*

We report on the results of powder and single crystal neutron diffraction to investigate the magnetic order in YbCo$$_2$$Si$$_2$$ below the N$'e$el temperature $$T_{rm N} = 1.7$$,K in detail. Two different magnetically ordered phases can clearly be distinguished. At lowest temperatures a commensurate magnetic structure with a propagation vector $${bf k}_1 = (0.25 0.25 1)$$ is found, while the intermediate phase ($$T > 0.9$$,K) is characterized by an incommensurate magnetic structure with $${bf k}_2 = (0.25 0.086 1)$$. The magnetic structure in YbCo$$_2$$Si$$_2$$ is in marked contrast to all other known $$R$$Co$$_2$$Si$$_2$$ compounds ($$R$$ = rare earth element) likely due to some itineracy of the Yb 4f states being responsible for the magnetism.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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