Study on flow boiling heat transfer in horizontal-rectangular-narrow-flat channels
小泉 安郎; 太平 晃貢*
Koizumi, Yasuo; Ohira, Koji*
In this study, to examine the channel narrowing effect on the two-phase flow boiling heat transfer, single-phase flow and flow boiling heat transfer experiments were performed for a thin rectangular channel of the width W = 3 mm and the height
= 1.25 mm
0.163 mm. When the hydraulic diameter became smaller than 1.06 mm, for the single-phase flow conditions, the heat transfer coefficient became smaller than that for a conventional size channel. In the flow boiling, churn flow appeared even at a low heat flux and a flow pattern was mainly the churn flow or/and the annular flow. The critical heat flux was higher than the value of Kutateladze correlation for the pool boiling. However, when the flow channel height became extremely narrow, measured critical heat flux became lower than the Kutateladze value. based on these results, the modification method to incorporate the channel narrowing effect into the heat transfer coefficient correlation was proposed.