※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

福島原発事故により放出された放射性核種汚染の調査; データベースの作成

Survey of contamination of radionuclide released from the Fukushima DNPP accident; Construction of database

國分 陽子   ; 百島 則幸*; 広瀬 勝己*; 田上 恵子*; 高宮 幸一*

Kokubu, Yoko; Momoshima, Noriyuki*; Hirose, Katsumi*; Tagami, Keiko*; Takamiya, Koichi*


Just after an accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP), data of radionuclides released from the FDNPP were measured for environmental samples by some researchers at individual research institute and university. However a comprehensive database including these data is not constructed now. Working group of the Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences decided to construct a comprehensive database of data of the radionuclides in environmental samples. This database contains data such as sampling location, sampling method, sampling times, type of measurement system, concentrations of the radionuclides and others in the publications/reports and unpublished issues. Researchers input the data in a dedicated Excel sheet. The working group verifies and registers the data in the database, and then summarizes them in a scientific report.



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