※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

炉内構造物及び燃料デブリの切断技術開発; プラズマジェット切断技術の適用性試験

Development of a cutting technique of core structural materials and fuel debris; Applicability test of the plasma jet cutting technique

庄司 次男; 福井 康太 ; 上田 多生豊

Shoji, Tsugio; Fukui, Yasutaka; Ueda, Takiho


The plasma jet cutting technology (Max output current is 250A) is developed for the dismantling of nuclear facilities in Oarai Research and Development Center. The plasma jet cutting technology is applicable to take out the debris. The plasma jet torch (Max output current is 600A) was produced for this application. This torch is available for the cutting of thick core internal materials in water. The ability of taking out debris and core internal material has been confirmed.



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