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Report No.

Measurements of $$B to bar{D} D^{*+}_{s0}(2317)$$ decay rates and a search for isospin partners of the $$D^{*+}_{s0}(2317)$$

Choi, S.-K.*; Tanida, Kiyoshi   ; Belle Collaboration*; 174 of others*

We report improved measurements of the product branching fractions $${cal B}(B^+ to bar{D}^0 D^{*+}_{s0}(2317)) times {cal B}(D^{*+}_{s0}(2317) to D^+_s pi^0)=(8.0^{+1.3}_{-1.2} pm 1.1 pm 0.4) times 10^{-4}$$ and $${cal B}(B^0 to D^- D^{*+}_{s0}(2317)) times {cal B}(D^{*+}_{s0}(2317) to D^+_s pi^0)=(10.2^{+1.3}_{-1.2} pm 1.0 pm 0.4) times 10^{-4}$$, where the first errors are statistical, the second are systematic and the third are from $$D$$ and $$D^+_s$$ branching fractions. In addition, we report negative results from a search for hypothesized neutral ($$z^0$$) and doubly charged ($$z^{++}$$) isospin partners of the $$D^{*+}_{s0}(2317)$$ and provide upper limits on the product branching fractions$${cal B}(B^0 to D^0 z^0) times {cal B}(z^0 to D^+_s pi^-)$$ and $${cal B}(B^+ to D^- z^{++}) times {cal B}(z^{++} to D^+_s pi^+)$$ that are more than an order of magnitude smaller than theoretical expectations for the hypotheses that the $$D^{*+}_{s0}(2317)$$ is a member of an isospin triplet. The analysis uses a 711 $${rm fb}^{-1}$$ data sample containing 772 million $$Bbar{B}$$-meson pairs collected at the $$Upsilon(4S)$$ resonance in the Belle detector at the KEKB collider.



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Category:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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