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Report No.

Inspection and repair techniques in the reactor vessel of the experimental fast reactor Joyo; Replacement of upper core structure

Ito, Hiromichi*; Ota, Katsu; Kawahara, Hirotaka ; Kobayashi, Tetsuhiko; Takamatsu, Misao ; Nagai, Akinori

In the experimental fast reactor Joyo, as a part of the restoration work of a partial dysfunction of fuel handling, the replacement of the upper core structure (UCS) was started from March 2014, and was completed in December 2014. In the jack-up test, the UCS was jacked-up to 1000 mm without significant sodium shearing resistance and interference. In the replacement of the UCS, a procedure was prepared with the use of wire-jack equipment assuming the interference. As a result, with the procedure and wire-jack were effectively functioned, the work was successfully completed.



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