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Heat conduction analyses on rewetting front propagation during transients beyond anticipated operational occurrences for BWRs


与能本 泰介 ; 柴本 泰照 ; 佐藤 聡 ; 岡垣 百合亜  

Yonomoto, Taisuke; Shibamoto, Yasuteru; Satou, Akira; Okagaki, Yuria


Our previous study investigated the rewetting behavior of dryout fuel surface during transients beyond anticipated operational occurrences (AOOs) for BWRs, which indicated the rewetting velocity was significantly affected by the precursory cooling defined as cooling immediately before rewetting. The present study further investigated the previous experiments by conducting additional experimental and numerical heat conduction analyses to characterize the precursory cooling. For the characterization, the precursory cooling was firstly defined quantitatively based on evaluated heat transfer rates; the rewetting velocity was investigated as a function of the cladding temperature immediately before the onset of the precursory cooling. The results indicated that the propagation velocity appeared to be limited by the maximum heat transfer rate near the rewetting front. This limitation was consistent with results of the heat conduction analysis.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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