NRD demonstration experiments at GELINA
Paradela, C.*; Alaerts, G.*; Becker, B.*; Harada, Hideo
; Heyse, J.*; Kitatani, Fumito
; Koizumi, Mitsuo
; Kopecky, S.*; Mondelaers, W.*; Moens, A.*; Schillebeeckx, P.*; Tsuchiya, Harufumi
; Wynants, R.*
Neutron Resonance Densitometry (NRD), a non-destructive analysis method, is presented. The method has been developed to quantify special nuclear material (SNM) in debris of melted fuel that will be produced during the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants. The method is based on Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis (NRTA) and Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis (NRCA). The quantification of SNM relies on the NRTA results. The basic principles of NRD, which are based on well-established methodologies for neutron resonance spectroscopy, are explained. To develop NRD for the characterization of rock- and particle like heterogeneous samples a JAEA/JRC collaboration has been established. As part of this collaboration a NRD demonstration workshop was organized at the TOF facility GELINA of the JRC-IRMM. The results of this workshop are presented. They illustrate the potential of measurements of complex mixtures of different elements. It is demonstrated that the elemental composition of an unknown sample predicted by NRTA deviated on average by less than 2% from the declared value. In addition the potential to identify the presence of light elements by NRCA is shown.