A Simple method for modification of capture reaction and elastic scattering nuclear data in analyses of nuclear data benchmark experiments
今野 力 ; 権 セロム; 太田 雅之; 佐藤 聡
Konno, Chikara; Kwon, Saerom; Ota, Masayuki; Sato, Satoshi
In order to specify reasons of the discrepancy between the calculated and measured results in analyses of benchmark experiments, some parts of some isotope data in nuclear data files are often modified and the modifies nuclear data files are processed with the NJOY code and the new ACE or MATXS files are used. However it is not easy to modify capture and elastic scattering data below 1 MeV with resonance data. Thus we devised a simple method to use capture and elastic scattering cross section data generated from resonance data with the NJOY code. This method was applied to detailed analyses of copper and molybdenum benchmark experiments at JAEA/FNS and it was demonstrated that this method was a very powerful tool.