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Cross-section adjustment methods based on minimum variance unbiased estimation


横山 賢治   ; 山本 章夫*

Yokoyama, Kenji; Yamamoto, Akio*


On the basis of the minimum variance approach, the unified formulation for three types of the cross-section adjustment methods has been derived in a straightforward way without assuming the normal distribution. These methods are intended to minimize the variances of the predicted target core parameters, the adjusted cross-section set, and the calculated integral experimental values. The first and the second methods are found to be slightly different from the extended and the conventional cross-section adjustment methods based on the Bayesian approach with the normal distribution assumption, respectively. However, they become equivalent in some cases and results. The third method is a new method, which is necessary from the viewpoint of the symmetry of the formulation. The derivation procedure proposed in the present paper is potentially applicable to developing more sophisticated cross-section adjustment methods because of the less assumptions on the probability density function.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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