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Report No.

Applicability test of abrasive water jet cutting technology for dismantling of the core internals of Fukushima Daiichi NPS

Nakamura, Yasuyuki ; Iwai, Hiroki ; Tezuka, Masashi  ; Sano, Kazuya 

It was reported that Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) had lost the cooling function of the reactor by the Tohoku Earthquake. It is assumed that the core internals became narrow and complicated debris structure mixed with the molten fuel. In consideration of the above situations, the AWJ cutting method, which has features of the long work distance and little heat effect for a material, has been developed for the removal of the molten core internals through cutting tests for 3 years since FY 2012. And it was confirmed that AWJ cutting method is useful for the removal of the core internals etc. The results in FY 2012 were reported in "R&D of the fuel debris removal technologies by abrasive water jet cutting technology (JAEA-Technology 2013-041)" and this report summarizes the results of FY 2012, 2013 and 2014 in this report. It was confirmed the possibility to apply the removal work of the fuel debris and the core internals.



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