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Report No.

Oxidative stress involves in the suppression of muscular movements following exposure of ionizing radiation in ${{it Caenorhabditis elegans}}$

Suzuki, Michiyo; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko

Using ${{it Caenorhabditis elegans}}$, we have found that whole body irradiation reduced locomotion, though the mechanisms are not clear. It is well-known that free radicals such as OH$$^.$$ and H$$^.$$ are produced following exposure of ionizing radiation. The reactions of free radicals cause the production of oxidative stress including hydrogen peroxide (H$$_2$$O$$_2$$). Oxidative stress are known as important factors of aging, and may relate to the decrease of motility observed in the aging process. We have investigated the involvement of H$$_2$$O$$_2$$ in suppression of ${{it C. elegans}}$'s locomotion. As the results, we have found that the locomotion in H$$_2$$O$$_2$$-exposed animals was significantly reduced in a concentration-dependent manner and the dose response was similar to that in the irradiated animals. In the present study, to investigate the radiation effects and the involvement of oxidative stress on other types of movement, we focused on the pumping motion (chewing and swallowing) which is a rapid periodic motion using the pharyngeal muscles. The proportion of animals stopping the pumping motion significantly increased after whole body irradiation and the pumping-motion arrest was restored within two hours. Furthermore, the response in H$$_2$$O$$_2$$-exposed animals was similar to that in the irradiated animals. These results support the possibility that radiation-induced suppression of muscular movements in ${{it C. elegans}}$ was caused by radiation-produced H$$_2$$O$$_2$$.



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