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Inter-comparison of Hauser-Feshbach model codes toward better actinide evaluations


Capote, R.*; Hilaire, S.*; 岩本 修  ; 河野 俊彦*; Sin, M.*

Capote, R.*; Hilaire, S.*; Iwamoto, Osamu; Kawano, Toshihiko*; Sin, M.*

The Hauser-Feshbach codes that include a pre-equilibrium model have been playing for years a central role in producing evaluated nuclear reaction data files. The codes, such as Empire, TALYS, CCONE, and CoH$$_{3}$$, have been and are still actively upgraded in order to better understand nuclear reaction mechanisms by sharing and exchanging theoretical knowledge as well as computational techniques between actors involved in their development. Albeit the framework of the model codes aforementioned is quite similar, implementation of the reaction models as well as computational techniques adopted may produce some differences in the calculated results. The IAEA Nuclear Data Section conducts one of such inter-organizational collaborations, and defined some exercises to compare the Hauser-Feshbach codes developed for nuclear data evaluations, with a particular focus on the actinide evaluations. We report here the results of Hauser-Feshbach calculations for neutron induced reactions on actinide nuclei using the input parameters defined in the IAEA report [Capote et al., INDC-NDS-0654 (2014)], and discuss the differences among these codes.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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